Tuesday 20 September 2016

The well of holiness

"I have built myself a well down through the years. A well of biblical truths which I draw from now and then, for myself or to share with others"
This quote is from a book by Tonje Haugeto Stang, and I read it the same day as I once again returned to my little well of reflections on holiness:

1 - It is about daring to be different
Searching the well....

2 - It is about drinking...
3 - It is about the beginning
4 - It is about resting
5 - It is about knowing, as in ...#1
6 - It is about knowing, as in ...#2
7 - It is about knowing, as in ...#3
8 - It is about baptism
9 - It is about coming home
10 - It is about spirit
11 - It is about images
12 - It is about breath
13 - It is about wind
14 - It is about language
15 - It is about fire
16 - It is about the forces of nature
17 - It is about a gentle whisper
18 - It is about a variety of images
19 - It is about 'my' image
20 - It is about a triune image
21 - It is about an important distinction
22 - It is about tent
23 - It is about a line
24 - It is about the 'other' trinity
25 - It is about 'holy ground'
26 - It is about a three-legged stool
27 - It is about a river
28 - It is about pain
29 - It is about a yoke
30 - It is about rejoicing
31 - It is about something that always is
32 - It is about my 'Most Holy' place
33 - It is abouty 'Holy' place
34 - It is about the court of my 'Sanctuary'
35 - It is about four steps
36 - It is about respect
37 - It is about honour and respect
38 - It is about anointing
39 - It is about penetration
40 - It is about healing
41 - It is about confirmation of the blood
42 - It is about 'contagion'
43 - It is about lubrication
44 - It is about an important part of the package
45 - It is about fighting misconceptions
46 - It is about groundbreaking
47 - It is about 'intravenous' love
48 - It is about experience
49 - It is about authenticity
50 - It is about beauty
51 - It is about small glimpses
52 - It is about purity
53 - It is about Christlikeness
54 - It is about Jesus-identity
55 - It is about communion
56 - It is about Christmas the whole year
57 - It is about God's kingdom
58 - It is about secularisation
59 - It is about self-denial
60 - It is about following
61 - It is about harvest
62 - It is about reproduction
63 - It is about the Gardener
64 - It is about purification
65 - It is about an absolute condition
66 - It is about the starting point
67 - It is about glory
68 - It is about durability
69 - It is about abundance
70 - It is about a good tree
71 - It is about fruit that gives strength
72 - It is about fruit that gives inner tranquility
73 - It is about time for reflection
74 - It is about being tested
75 - It is about being what he is
76 - It is about following in a double meaning
77 - It is about fruit that gives hope
78 - It is about mindfulness
79 - It is about being the Captain of your soul
80 - It is about a fruit that is also a gift
81 - It is about fresh fruit the whole life 
82 - It is about fruit that gives life
83 - It is about fruit in the right time
84 - It is about hardship and adversity
85 - It is about burning passion
86 - It is about the first fruit
87 - It is about fruit with consequences
88 - It is about values worth living and dying for
89 - It is about the good circle
90 - It is about making it your experience
91 - It is about living in the light
92 - It is about recipes
93 - It is about the ingredient faith
94 - It is about virtue
95 - It is about insight
96 - It is about the world of spiritual physics
97 - It is about spiritual 'sisu'
98 - It is about a healthy godliness
99 - It is about brotherly kindness
100 - It is about the goal of all fruit
 101 - It is about an important confession
 102 - It is about habits
 103 - It is about life-style

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